Cold hard Flash
It was brought to my attention earlier today, that I along with a few other New York animators , were mentioned on Cold hard Flash for a project we had worked on. The project is for "Huggies", and I believe, if I was told correctly, that it was even shown at select theaters before all G and PG movies. Thanks to Dan Forgione for hooking it up, it was fun to work with the people mentioned. It's been too long since I've been in a studio with these guys, and even though the project was animated via "Virtual Studio", it was still nice to work on something with them. I animated a few scenes, and the dancing crowd characters, as well as the character designs. These designs are not my shining moment with character designs, but I had a job to do and a client to please, and with that in mind I think they came out alright.
Been busy as hell still, working multiple gigs. Maybe one day, with some luck, I'll get money to make my own shit, and hire my friends to work on it.
Unfortunately I had to take down the drawings that were originally in this post. They were for a project I am working on, and I didn't ask to put them up. It's too soon to be posting it so... my bad. Its for a freelance gig, but I have a lot of artistic control over it. So in it's place are some sketch book pages from m trip last weekend to Aruba. I drew some of the people by the hotel pool.
Oh and check the link for the cold hard flash article.
mike it was a real pleasure to work with you on the huggies commercial. i better be one of those people you hire. lol. these poses are awesome cant wait to see more.
Cool motion studies. Is this a personal project or for a freelance gig?
Great blog! Your avatar had me crying. Very funny images.
joe y Elio
Love the pig design! Hilarious! Great job!
little pig little pig let me in....
you know i love anything you touch/create. keep it up and you're definately alot better than you give yourself credit for
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