Finished film and Midsummer night toons 2!
My film is finally done, and just in time for the Midsummer Night Toons 2 screening, this Thursday June 10th at 7 pm at the M1-5 on walker street in NYC! I can't believe I got this one done I think it clocks in at about 5:30. I handled all the animation, design, and bg design. Al Pardo hooked up all the color design, after effects work, and looked over a lot of shit to point out my mistakes. Not to mention the hours of hard work he put into color, edit and just helping me get it together. Thanks AL! Let's not forget to mention the sweet musical score and sound design, which was handled by Joey Spallina and my girlfriend who produced the sound at tonefarmer which is a music house in NYC. There's also Matt Lee who was nice enough to help color in my animation to help speed along the process and who also finished a film himself and managed to put together this kick ass show, which will hopefully continue for years to come. Thanks Matt for helping us all get off our asses to get our films done. Man there are so many more people I am thinking about as I am writing this. There's Joey Capps, and Gary doodles who also have films in Midsummer night toons and were cool enough to show me some of there work as it was being done which totally helped push me to get mine done. Then there's everyone else who would just stop by this blog or see anything I would post or show in the process , and who seemed excited about what they saw. You guys all rock, so come down to the show this week, and check it out. Thanks.
Oh here's some screenshots and bgs from my film. Layout and design by me, color by Al.
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Oh here's some screenshots and bgs from my film. Layout and design by me, color by Al.
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