Design stuff... Sort of.
I've been busy working on a couple of personal projects. I'm gearing up for another short film, and possibly a pitch. I'm really excited about the next short, and I've been trying to work on it whenever I get free time. I've finally gotten to the point with the story where I can start thinking about design, or at the least the early stages of it. I was going in one direction then realized it was too forced for me. Every time this happens its usually because I'm trying to prove to myself that I know how to draw and then I try to make everything look like someone else's stuff, which is always a recipe for disaster. I think for now rather than stay in comfort zone I'll will try something new, but stay true to myself. I'm really diggin' what I have so far, and I hope you do to.

This one is more of where I started out. I may have been looking too much at "ARt of Books", Thanks for nothin' you super talented sons of bitches. The last thing I want is to be a cheap biter of awesome stuff.
These next few are where I'm going! They may not be amazing drawings, but they pump me up and I have fun doing them.

This one is more of where I started out. I may have been looking too much at "ARt of Books", Thanks for nothin' you super talented sons of bitches. The last thing I want is to be a cheap biter of awesome stuff.
These next few are where I'm going! They may not be amazing drawings, but they pump me up and I have fun doing them.

dude, your shit rules!
as animators i think we spend a lot of time training ourselves to draw like other people...and we don't spend enough time drawing like ourselves.
that dude up top looks good too, but the other stuff looks like it's in motion already! go for it!
"Thanks for nothin' you super talented sons of bitches." HAHAHAHA
Mike how you been kid? I dig the guy on top.Nice flow.Very funny.
Good luck with your pitch.
I know work is crazy right now, but I hope this is coming along, its gonna be dope...
awesome! cool monsters. looks like we're in for a bit of action! can't wait to see it mike, you seriously rock!
whoa the stuff in pen is WAY better and IS awesome. the first thing feels forced and formulaic. the newer stuff is lively, dynamic and exciting. drawing freely is the way to go!
wow, been too long since I've stopped by here, Mr. Carlo.
Great stuff... These drawing just scream that you're having fun.
hope all is well with you, amigo.
gawwwkking at ur dailies... now i found ur blog...O_O!
Your work is so silly! I love it! :)
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