Midsummernight toons screening!
The Midsummernight toons screening in NYC this past Friday was a huge success! Thanks to everyone for coming down and supporting ( I think the pictures explain it all), and thanks to Matt Lee for putting the show together as well as making a film, and to all the filmmakers for their participation and dedication. Also everyone who lent me a hand making Science Fare, Joey Capps, Al Pardo, Elliot Byrne, Ian Miller, Joey Spallina, Chirstina Tortorelli and Matt Lee. Below is a link to my short which premiered at the show. Please watch and enjoy.


That was really a great show. It was great seeing you! :)
That was really awesome, great stuff mike! Glad you posted it.
Haha! Freakin awesome. Looks like it was a great turnout too!! Well done!
This was so great! I loved Kevin the pig. great job that was really funny!
Ah MAN so cool. I have to go next year! Looks like such a good time. When did you have time for that??? You are amazing! Great short!
super awesome! i hav no soul...hahaha
mike....your awesome dude.
Awesome Cartoon! I love the ostrich.
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